ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS WORKS - GIARTZAS GREGORY A. ERGOLIPTIS ELECTRICIAN PPC plans - Electrical installations: houses - stores - craft - Lighting installations : buildings - homes - shops - Garden - Right of establishment : entrance audio - video door - antenna tv- tv- doryforiki closed circuit tv - Damage Repair an installation : heater repair - thermosysorefton - e . kitchen - Renovation : store - houses FULL COVERAGE WORKSHOPS > Working hours ( 8:00 to 17:00 ) for lesions 24 hours - Electrical installations - Renovations - Full coverage garages - And heater repair heaters - Kitchen Telephones Thessaloniki : 2310304476 Mobile: 6973946251-6955336204 . Phones TRILOFO Municipality of Mikra : tel : 2392061134 fax: 2392061134 Sales and installation of photovoltaic systems TRADE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT